The convention is an annual meeting that brings together representatives of all our parishes, missions, and affiliated communities of The Convocation. These representatives -- both clergy and lay -- make decisions and policy for all Episcopalians in Europe and with the Bishop, and help us to maintain our connection to the wider Episcopal Church.
Each parish may send at least one elected delegate, who along with the Convocation clergy form the voting delegation. A representative from each of the Convocation's mission congregations is also seated, and accorded full voice in the business of the convention.
The principal business of the Annual Convention is to address legislation and resolutions; elect officers of Convention; and adopt a budget for the coming year. The bishop, who serves as president of Convention, gives his report on the state of the diocese in his address or pastoral letter.
Moreover, the convention is a community gathering; it is weekend of listening, learning, worship and prayer. All in the Convocation are welcome to attend Annual Convention.
The Convention elects leaders
At the convention, four clerical and four lay members of the Council of Advice are elected, and four clerical and lay deputies are elected to represent The Convocation at the triennial General Convention of the Episcopal Church. (see Episcopal Church canon I.15).
The Convocation Convention also elects its own officers. A Secretary of Convention is nominated by the Bishop, and elected by the convention delegates. The Secretary is responsible for keeping records of all actions of the Convention, and for assembling the annual Journal of the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe. The Secretary records the resolutions considered by the Convocation Convention, including any votes and actions taken on those resolutions. The Secretary is also responsible for informing the Convention of resolutions adopted by the General Convention of the Episcopal Church which call for action on the part of The Convocation or of its leadership.
2018 Convocation Convention in Waterloo, Belgium
Convention 2018 will be in Waterloo, Belgium, on October 18-21. Delegates and clergy from Convocation parishes and mission congregations in Switzerland, Germany, Italy, Austria, Belgium, and France will travel to our host parish, All Saints' Episcopal Church, who is working hard to organize a very special convention this year.
A special order of business at the 2018 Convention will be the Election of a new Bishop in Charge for the Convocation.
Below are some links and documents related to Convention:
CONSTITUTION AND CANONS OF CECE (last amended in 2016)
PRE-FILED RESOLUTIONS (continually updated)